If you have used any of our websites or logged into any of our platforms, Occupierworld.com may have collected Personal Data about you. In order to run our business effectively, there are times when we request or require your Personal Data. When you use our website, we may ask for your contact information in order to market relevant information to you. When using our platform tools and services, we collect your name and email address as part of the login process. And finally, while you use any of our websites or platforms, we may collect usage metrics in order to optimize our services to you.

The following Privacy Policy applies to all users of our Services – 

  • Personal Data means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified.  
  • Occupier World respects your privacy and cares about the treatment of all Personal Data.
  • To ensure that your Personal Data is accurate and up to date, please advise us of any changes to your Personal Data by emailing us at privacy@occupierworld.com.
  • The Personal Data that we collect, use, process, store and transfer, includes: identity information including your name, the organisation you work for, your title or position and your contact information including your email address, and a contact telephone number.
  • We collect information from you and about you as necessary in the course of providing our services including as part of our business acceptance processes.
  • We use the Personal Data about you that we collect to provide you with information requested by you and to manage / administer our relationship and promote our services.
  • We are an independent company and consultancy firm and any information that you provide to us will only be shared where parties have a legitimate interest in the operation of our business or are engaged to perform services for, or on behalf of, Occupierworld.com.
  • We will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary.
  • Your legal rights are protected under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations.
  • You are entitled to request details of the Personal Data we hold about you and how we process it.
  • By using, accessing or participating in the Service, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
  • Any posting of Public Information to public areas of the Site constitutes your consent to share such Public Information publicly.
  • Occupierworld.com Limited is the controller and responsible for this website.
  • If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or Occupierworld.com’s privacy practices in general, please contact us at privacy@occupierworld.com.